Hi, hoomans! We know you love your huge hounds, even if they tend to get fur everywhere. It’s just part of loving a big, fluffy dog like me and George. If you’re like most, you’ve just accepted that dog hair is a part of your daily life now, but there are probably times when you need a neat, clean appearance and evidence of your pup’s cuddles just won’t do.
We’re the first to admit that dog hair can be stubborn—just like we can. There are a few things that will clean it right up, so let’s take a look.
Rubber Gloves
Believe it or not, those big rubber gloves you use to clean the house will also fight stubborn pet hair. Wet or dry, they’ll remove dog hair from your couches, carpet, and even your clothes. Use a wet glove for larger amounts of stubborn fur and rinse the glove in between swipes over the couch or carpet. For touch-up jobs, a dry glove works just fine.
Wet Sponge
A damp sponge will also work wonders when removing dog hair from the couch, especially velvet. The only drawback here is that you have to then remove the hair from the sponge in between swipes over the upholstery, and that can be harder than removing it from a rubber glove. However, if you’re in a pinch and don’t have gloves, this is the way to go.
Fabric Softener
If you spray a mix of water and fabric softener on your couch before brushing with the rubber glove or damp sponge, you might find the fur comes away more easily. That’s because your fabric softener spray will counteract the static electricity that often makes the individual hairs harder to remove.
Pumice Stone
To remove fur from carpet and rugs, a pumice stone is great! Yeah, the rough texture works the hairs away from the fibers and can even give the carpets a bit of a facelift after the fur has been removed. A densely bristled brush can also work well on carpets and rugs, but make sure the bristles aren’t too hard. Otherwise, you could cause more damage to the carpet than you’ll fix.
Microfiber Mitt
If you start trying to clean your hardwoods and tile, only to find out you’re just pushing the hair from one place to another, try a microfiber mitt. The material is more likely to pick up the fur than to just push it around. When it’s full of our fur, remove it to rinse, and then go again. It’s as easy as that.
Brush Us!
The best way—and all the doggos agree—is to avoid the dog hair in the first place! Brush us a couple times every week to remove hair and it won’t end up on your clothes. Regular grooming visits will also help to keep our fur trimmed and thinned so you won’t need to clean it off the furniture all the time.
We know you’ll be a lot happier having huge hounds in the house if you don’t have to fight battles with our fur all the time. These tips will help so that we can all be happy inside together!
Expect big things!